Feiyue Xia(夏飞月)

Feiyue Xia(夏飞月)

Ph.D. Student of Petroleum Engineering

PGE, The University of Texas at Austin


Welcome to my website! I’m Feiyue Xia, a passionate Ph.D. student in petroleum engineering at University of Texas at Austin, since August 2022. Under the guidance of Professor Carlos Torres-Verdín, I’m diving deep into the world of formation evaluation. My academic journey began with a Master’s degree in Borehole Geophysics at the China University of Petroleum (East China), where I collaborated closely with the Professor Xiao-Ming Tang. Prior to that, I earned my Bachelor’s degree in Exploration Technology and Engineering from the same institution, fostering a solid foundation for my future endeavors.

I’m particularly captivated by borehole geophysics and rock physics. I am proficient in 3D and 2.5D FDTD elastic wave modeling across complex media, including elastic media, poro-elastic media, and cracked porous elastic media. At present, my focus revolves around applications of the eikonal-based solver in borehole acoustic measurements and invert pore shapes using rock physics models.

I visited universities in Italy and Russia as an exchange student in 2015 and 2016. I participated in the IPTC Educational Week in 2019. These experiences helped me find my passion for my career life. I received the SPWLA Scholarship in 2019. Additionally, I was honored to be granted the UT Engineering School Fellowship from 2022 to 2026..

Download my curriculum vitae .

  • Borehole Geophysics
  • Rock Physics and petrophysics
  • Elastic Wave Propagation Modelling in Complex Media
  • Formation Evaluation
  • Ph.D in Petroleum Engineering, 2022-2026 (Expected)

    The University of Texas at Austin

  • M.Eng in Geological Resrouces and Geological Engineering, 2019-2022

    China University of Petroleum (East China)

  • B.Eng in Exploration Technology and Engineering, 2015-2019

    China Unversity of Petroleum (East China)


Graduate Research Assistant
Sep 2022 – Present Texas, USA

Responsibilities include:

  • 3D modelling ultrasonic wave reflection using 3D FDTD running at TACC
  • 3D eikonal-based solver for simualting and interpreting azimuthal first-arrival times in HA/HZ wells
  • Eikonal-based first-arrival traveltime tomography using monopole sonic logging data
R&D Intern
May 2024 – Aug 2024 Texas, USA
  • Improve pore shapes estimation by combining NMR data and rock physics models for carbonate rocks.

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Ph.D.'s Research Work

Ph.D.’s Research Work

Study on applications of eikonal equation in borehole geophysics.Updating.

Master's Research Work

Master’s Research Work

Study on Forward Modeling of acoustic logging in the cracked porous formation.


See all publications click here.
(2024). Influence of Sample Anisotropy on Angle-Dependent Ultrasonic Reflection Coefficients: A Study Using Synthetic 3D Printed Layered Samples. Updating.

Cite Project

(2022). Finite element simulation and experiment study on exciting quasi-SH wave circumferentially in the casing. In Chinese J. Geophys. (in Chinese).

PDF Cite Project DOI

(2022). Finite-difference modeling of multipole acoustic logging in cracked porous formations. Unpublished Draft.

Cite Project
